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    How justice, mercy, and grace are displayed in perfect harmony through the person of Jesus Christ

    There are events in life that call for justice. Other times, we’re desperately seeking mercy. And almost every day, we’re in need of grace!

    Don’t miss this compelling discussion on God’s mercy

    If we ever doubt God’s love, if we’re ever uncertain about His grace, if we’re ever unclear about His mercy, we need only look toward the cross! Jesus answered the most common prayer in the Bible, “Lord, have mercy.”

    Why pleading for mercy should be the cry of every Christian

    When we hear about the appalling evils at work in the world today, we may be tempted to pray, “Lord, bring your justice.” But what would happen if instead we prayed, “Lord, have mercy”?

    Discover how far the mercy of the Lord reaches

    Throughout Scripture, God declared that His mercy and love toward us has no limits. And He is willing to prove it! Let’s discuss the great extent of God’s mercy.

    Seeing God’s mercy in a whole new way

    Our world is a broken place. But there is an answer for the sin and failure we see in the world around us, and even in ourselves. Let’s explore God’s mercy, and find the abundant grace and hope we desperately need!

    Let’s discuss the one prayer God always answers, “Lord, have mercy”

    How is it that the most evil sinner and the most compassionate saint can both experience the undeserved love of God? The answer is found in the concept of “mercy.” It’s the start of a brand-new series.

    God’s indescribable mercy can overcome abortion’s overwhelming pain–Kathy’s Story

    What decision have you made that you wish you could go back and change? Perhaps you’re harboring deep regrets right now. Learn how God’s healing mercy supported Kathy through her sorrow and gave her the courage to help others find the same healing. We would like to thank WCRH Radio Station in Williamsport, Maryland, for...

    extravagant mercy

    When we wrong someone, it’s normal for us to feel distance and shame. We might imagine that the offended person is stewing over our poor behavior, replaying our thoughtless conduct, or writing us off. We may even think there will be a complete disinterest in us until we return and effusively atone for our actions.

    That You May Be Certain: The Gospel of Luke, Part III: The Mercy

    The gospel of Luke was written during the first century to a man named Theophilus to help him be certain of what he had been taught concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

    Unfailing Mercy

    As I strolled through Chicago’s O’Hare airport, something caught my eye—a hat worn by someone racing through the concourse. What caught my attention was the message it conveyed in just two words: “Deny Everything.” I wondered what it meant. Don’t ever admit to guilt? Or deny yourself the pleasures and luxuries of life? I scratched my head at the mystery of those two simple words, “Deny Everything.”

    Surrounded By Mercy

    It was almost impossible not to see the giant billboard with the red background and huge white letters that shouted: “This year thousands of men will die from stubbornness.” Later I learned that the billboard was one of hundreds just like it targeted at middle-aged men who typically avoid routine medical screenings and often die from preventable conditions.

    The Mercy Of God

    Today marks the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the US on September 11, 2001. It’s hard to think about that date without mental images of the destruction, grief, and loss that swept over America and the world following those tragic events. The loss of thousands of lives was compounded by the depth of loss felt corporately—a lost sense of security as a country. The sorrow of loss, personal and corporate, will always accompany the memory of the events of that day.

    Grace, Mercy, And Peace

    The words grace and peace are found in all of Paul’s greetings in his New Testament letters to the churches. And in his letters to Timothy and Titus, he also includes mercy: “Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord” (2 Tim. 1:2). Let’s examine each of these words.

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